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The Virtual Health Boom During The COVID-19 Pandemic And Its Potential To Permanently Impact Care Delivery

COVID-19 forced tremendous changes to healthcare operations and patient-staff interactions. The pressing need for videoconference solutions (synchronous engagement) combined with temporarily relaxed regulations for HIPAA, Civil Rights and ADA had non-medial solutions enter the healthcare market with unqualified consumer devices and services. The appetite for digital AV solutions remains strong while limitations and downsides start to occur - the requirement of high-performance networks, expensive staff resources, inequitable access across demographies, and most importantly the inability to scale. Furthermore, asynchronous interactions utilizing digital forms, web pages or digital education have been proven ineffective and expensive.

But is there a medical grade platform that allows equitable, effective and scalable synchronous and asynchronous engagements? Yes, there is! 

Phrazer/Kitsune, the only FDA designed and qualified, medical grade engagement platform, combines safe and secure audio/video conferencing capabilities with equitable, effective CITE engagements and other features. The patented Multi-path Realtime Messaging (MRM) feature provides novel efficiency and resource coordination benefits that no other solution offers. 

The change forced by the COVID-19 pandemic brings a tremendous opportunity to rethink care delivery and evaluate the longterm benefits of Phrazer/Kitsune as a journey solution for equity, efficiency, top of licensure performance, continued innovation and economic enhancements. Use the virtual health trend as a catalyst for sustainable care model transformation with Phrazer/Kitsune. The empowering capabilities for patients and staff will reshape the traditional patient-provider interactions and operational performance of healthcare facilities. 
