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Virtual Care Access on Phrazer/Kitsune And Its Benefits for Staff

u.4.974.jpgPhrazer/Kitsune provides novel features that benefit your staff. CITE Solutions reduce the burden of the Eletronic Medical Record (EMR) bringing your staff back to the bedside to do what they do best: care for patients. CITE Solutions also offer access to competency development and well-being/stress management engagements. Additionally, Phrazer/Kitsune provides process adherence guidance and allows on-demand access to virtual care features


How does access to virtual care on Phrazer/Kitsune benefit staff

Virtual care features have been proven effective for patients throughout their medical journey, but this feature is also a key element to mitigate burnout across healthcare professionals. According to the 2019 National Physicians Burnout & Depression Report about 40% of physicians—and 50% of female physicians—are burned out. As studies show, stress and burnout rates among healthcare professionals are alarmingly high and physician burnout is linked to a 16% decrease in patient satisfaction, an 11% increase in reported medical errors, increased turnover, and early retirement. As a holistic engagement solution, Phrazer/Kitsune offers a pathway for medical staff to connect with professionals to talk about well-being, reduce stress and counteract burnout. This on-demand pathway to resources removes the barrier to access professional services in a convenient and non-disruptive way.

Phrazer/Kitsune - the only solution harmonizing patient, staff and system performance. For healthier, happier staff and high quality patient care.


